Sermon Archive

Sermon Archive

Here you can find all the recording of all the sermons in our archive, beginning with the most recent, and stretching back to 2008. At the foot of this page are aids to help you jump to specific years. Alternatively, you can follow the tabs on the right to explore sermons for specific services, or search the archive for specific keywords or specific speakers.

Godliness has value in all things Tim Davis
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Whoever desires to be an overseer, desires a noble task Ruth Henson
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Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners Stephen Kuhrt
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A church that is serious about understanding God as Trinity Stephen Kuhrt
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A church that is serious about the reality of the Holy Spirit Tim Davis
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A church that is serious about the Ascension of Jesus into heaven Katy Loffman
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A church that is serious about Safeguarding Stephen Kuhrt
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Building a Safe Church upon the place of the vulnerable in the kingdom of God Stephen Kuhrt
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Building a Safe Church upon the place of children in the kingdom of God Tim Davis
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Building a Safe Church upon God the Safeguarder Stephen Kuhrt
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Whoever desires to be an overseer, desires a noble task Ruth Henson
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Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners Stephen Kuhrt
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A church that is serious about the reality of the Holy Spirit Tim Davis
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A church that is serious about the Ascension of Jesus into heaven Katy Loffman
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Building a Safe Church upon the place of the vulnerable in the kingdom of God Stephen Kuhrt
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Building a Safe Church upon the place of children in the kingdom of God Tim Davis
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Building a Safe Church upon God the Safeguarder Stephen Kuhrt
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Spring Cleaning our lives this Lent from judging others David Taylor
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Spring Cleaning our lives from greed Ruth Henson
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The Most Important Day in History Nathan Larkin
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