
Visiting People | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Helping with the Night Shelter | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Helping with Grapevine | Sarah Parker | Audio file
Supporting Lunchbowl | Heidi Gomes | Audio file
Learning from St Paul at prayer in Philippians | Tim Davis | Audio file
Learning from St Paul at prayer in Ephesians | Becky Mills | Audio file
Learning from St Paul at prayer in the Pastoral Epistles | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Learning from St Paul at Prayer in the Acts of the Apostles | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
A people being life-changing community | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
A people constantly learning new things from the Bible | Katy Loffman | Audio file
A people being renewed and empowered to serve God | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
A people of prayer and dependence on God | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Paul's First Missionary Journey: Cyprus | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Paul's First Missionary Journey: Pisidian Antioch | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Paul's First Missionary Journey: Iconium, Lystra and Derbe | Pete Everett | Audio file
Paul's First Missionary Journey: What happened next... | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Photos that bear witness to modern slavery | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
Do schools kill creativity? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The real harm of the global arms trade | Alison Hill | Audio file
The Power of Vulnerability | Janet Miles | Audio file
Paul's Second Missionary Journey: The row before it all started | Tim Davis | Audio file
Paul's Second Missionary Journey: Derbe, Lystra and Troas | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Paul's Second Missionary Journey: Philippi | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Paul's Second Missionary Journey: Thessalonica and Berea | Becky Mills | Audio file
Paul's Second Missionary Journey: Athens | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
Paul's Second Missionary Journey: Corinth | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Stephen | Becky Mills | Audio file
Philip | Anita Ferrero | Audio file
Ananias | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Barnabas | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The Herod Agrippas | David Taylor | Audio file
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Prince Caspian | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader | Katy Loffman | Audio file
The Silver Chair | Alison Hill | Audio file
The Horse and his Boy | Ruth Henson | Audio file
The Magician's Nephew | Jon Kuhrt | Audio file
The Last Battle | Elizabeth Hill | Audio file
The significance of Palm Sunday | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
The impact of the Resurrection | Becky Mills | Audio file
Good Friday | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
What Easter means to me | Tim Davis | Audio file
Easter Day | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
What Easter means to me | Katy Loffman | Audio file
APCM 2017 | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Peter learns to follow Jesus: Called and Commissioned | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Peter learns to follow Jesus: Confession and Confusion | Tim Davis | Audio file
Peter learns to follow Jesus: The Transfiguration | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Peter learns to follow Jesus: Forgiveness for siblings | Alison Hill | Audio file
Peter learns to follow Jesus: Rash ideas and promises | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Peter learns to follow Jesus: Failure | Janet Miles | Audio file
Peter learns to follow Jesus: Recommissioning | Claire Jaggers | Audio file
Thinking Afresh About The Resurrection Appearances of Jesus | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Thinking afresh about Science and Christianity | Richard Cheetham, Bishop of Kingston | Audio file
Thinking Afresh About The Ascension of Jesus | Becky Mills | Audio file
Thinking afresh about the Holy Spirit | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Thinking afresh about The Trinity | Pete Everett | Audio file
Thinking afresh about the Church | Andy Black | Audio file
Thinking afresh about the Second Coming | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Thinking Afresh About The Resurrection Appearances of Jesus | Anita Ferrero | Audio file
Thinking afresh about Science and Christianity | Richard Cheetham, Bishop of Kingston | Audio file
Thinking Afresh about the Ascension of Jesus | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Thinking afresh about the Holy Spirit | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Thinking afresh about The Trinity | Tim Davis | Audio file
Thinking afresh about the Church | Becky Mills | Audio file
Thinking afresh about the Second Coming | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Mission Possible | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
Mission Possible | Mark Hayman | Audio file
Mission Possible | Ruth Henson | Audio file
A vision for our children and young people | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
A Vision for Home Groups | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
A Vision for Oxygen | John Trend | Audio file
A Vision for Christian Friendships | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
A Vision for Christian Parents | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
A Vision for our Midweek Groups | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
A Vision for Oxygen | John Trend | Audio file
A Vision for the Second Half of Life | Katy Loffman | Audio file
A Vision for Christian Grandparents | Becky Mills | Audio file
A Vision for Home Groups | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
A Vision for Oxygen | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
A Vision for Worship | Claire Jaggers | Audio file
A Vision for becoming a Community of Prayer | Tim Davis | Audio file
Why I am a Christian | Steve Mawer | Audio file
Why I am a Christian | Jenny Cropper | Audio file
Why I am a Christian | Ilona Perl | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | Steve Mawer | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | Jenny Cropper | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | Marijke Andries | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | Ilona Perl | Audio file
The most important things I've learnt about God in the last five years | Katy Loffman | Audio file
The most important things I've learnt about God in the last five years | Ruth Henson | Audio file
The most important things I've learnt about God in the last five years | Andy Black | Audio file
The most important things I've learnt about God in the last five years | Alison Hill | Audio file
Why I am a Christian | Marijke Andries | Audio file
A Christian Perspective on the start of a New School Year | Robert Shrimpton | Audio file
A Christian Perspective on the death of Diana | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
A Christian perspective on the birth of children | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
A Christian Perspective on Brexit | Katy Loffman | Audio file
A Christian Perspective on the growth of terrorism | Andy Black | Audio file
A Christian Perspective on single parenting | Pete Everett | Audio file
A Christian Perspective on caring for our parents | Becky Mills | Audio file
A Christian Perspective on Global Inequality | Tim Davis | Audio file
What is the Prophet Hosea saying to us? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
What is the Prophet Joel saying to us? | Tim Davis | Audio file
What is the prophet Amos saying to us? | Becky Mills | Audio file
What is the prophet Obadiah saying to us? | David Taylor | Audio file
What is the prophet Jonah saying to us? | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
What is the Prophet Micah saying to us? | Anita Ferrero | Audio file
What is the prophet Nahum saying to us? | Alan Boal | Audio file
What is the prophet Habakkuk saying to us? | Katy Loffman | Audio file
What is the prophet Zephaniah saying to us? | Tim Davis | Audio file
What is the prophet Haggai saying to us? | Anita Ferrero | Audio file
What is the prophet Zechariah saying to us? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
What is the prophet Malachi saying to us? | Becky Mills | Audio file
The problem of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
Letting God into our deepest places | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Becoming our authentic self | Ruth Henson | Audio file
Breaking the power of the past | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Letting go of power and control | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Surrendering to our limits | Becky Mills | Audio file
Stopping to breathe the air of eternity | Alison Hill | Audio file
Learning new skills to love well | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Loving Christ above all else | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Harvest | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Prince Caspian | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader | Katy Loffman | Audio file
The Silver Chair | Alison Hill | Audio file
The Horse and His Boy | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The Magician's Nephew | Jon Kuhrt | Audio file
The Last Battle | Elizabeth Hill | Audio file
The Birth of Samson | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
Samson's Marriage | Ruth Henson | Audio file
Samson and Delilah | Pete Everett | Audio file
Fulfilled at Christmas - Isaiah 1:23 | Tim Davis | Audio file
Fulfilled at Christmas - Micah 5:2 | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Fulfilled at Christmas - Hosea 11:1 | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Fulfilled at Christmas - Jeremiah 31:15 | David Loffman | Audio file
Finding God in 'A Christmas Carol' | David Taylor | Audio file
Finding God in the Madness of Christmas | Janet Miles | Audio file
Carols by Candlelight | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Midnight Communion | Becky Mills | Audio file
Children's Carol Service | Stephen Kuhrt & Robert Shrimpton | Audio file
Christmas Day Service | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
United Service on New Year's Eve | Katy Loffman | Audio file