Sermon Archive
Sermon Archive
Here you can find all the recording of all the sermons in our archive, beginning with the most recent, and stretching back to 2008. At the foot of this page are aids to help you jump to specific years. Alternatively, you can follow the tabs on the right to explore sermons for specific services, or search the archive for specific keywords or specific speakers.
Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Jesus and his followers | Ruth Henson | Audio file
Jesus and the religious leaders | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Jesus and the conflict with evil | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Jesus and the arrival of the Kingdom of God | Tim Davis | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | Su Ong | Audio file
The Place of Sport in God's World | Ruth Henson | Audio file
The Place of Grandparents in God's World | Gordon Kuhrt | Audio file
The Place of Animals in God's World | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Heirs having the hope of eternal life | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
If we are faithless, He remains faithful | Ros Moody | Audio file
Godliness has value in all things | Tim Davis | Audio file
Why I am a Christian | Hazel Brown | Audio file
Why I am a Christian | Su Ong | Audio file
Why I am a Christian | Donna Brew | Audio file
The Place of Sport in God's World | Ruth Henson | Audio file
The Place of Grandparents in God's World | Gordon Kuhrt | Audio file
The Place of Politicians in God's World | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The Place of Animals in God's World | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
If we are faithless, He remains faithful | Ros Moody | Audio file