Sermon Archive

All Service Sermons

Marks of a Loving Church
Being Humble with one another Ruth Henson
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Being Gentle with one another Nathan Larkin
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Being patient and bearing with each other's faults Alison Hill
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Being united with one another in peace David Taylor
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Being Gentle with one another Katy Loffman
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Being patient and bearing with each other's faults Stephen Kuhrt
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Being united with one another in peace Stephen Kuhrt
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Being Gentle with one another Anita Ferrero
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Being patient and bearing with each other's faults David Loffman
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Being united with one another in peace Tim Davis
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Insights into God's Love
Insights into God's Love: Jonah Stephen Kuhrt
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Insights into God's Love: Psalm 23 Andy Black
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Insights into God's Love: Isaiah 43 Anna Larkin
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Insights into God's Love: Hosea Becky Mills
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Jesus shows God's Love for...
Jesus shows God's Love for the Unclean Ruth Henson
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Jesus shows God's Love for the Sinful Katy Loffman
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Jesus shows God's Love for the Insignificant Becky Mills
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Jesus shows God's Love for the Wealthy Anita Ferrero
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Paul talks of God's Love
Paul talks of God's love to the Corinthians Janet Miles
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Paul talks of God's Love to the Galatians Tim Davis
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Paul talks of God's Love to Philemon Nathan Larkin
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Paul talks of God's Love to the Romans Stephen Kuhrt
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How 9.30 might do Mission
Proclaiming the Gospel Tim Davis
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Loving Service Ruth Henson
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Teaching, baptising and nurturing Stephen Kuhrt
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Challenging Injustice Becky Mills
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Being Stewards of Creation Stephen Kuhrt
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How the 11 o'clock service might do Mission
Proclaiming the Gospel Nathan Larkin
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Loving Service Anita Ferrero
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Teaching, baptising and nurturing Stephen Kuhrt
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Challenging Injustice Becky Mills
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Being Stewards of Creation Stephen Kuhrt
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How six30 might do Mission
Proclaiming the Gospel Nathan Larkin
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Loving Service Ruth Henson
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Teaching, baptising and nurturing Stephen Kuhrt
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Challenging Injustice Tim Davis
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Being Stewards of Creation David Taylor
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Easter Questions
What does Lent teach us about God? Stephen Kuhrt
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What does Palm Sunday teach us about God? Tim Davis
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What does Good Friday teach us about God? Stephen Kuhrt
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Why did Jesus make three predictions about his death? Becky Mills
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Why is Jesus' entry into Jerusalem important? Stephen Kuhrt
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What can we learn from Doubting Thomas? Anita Ferrero
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What should we make of the passages where Jesus speaks about judgement? Nathan Larkin
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What was the cursing of the fig tree all about? Janet Miles
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What is the value of the different Easter stories? Ruth Henson
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What will it mean to be a church shaped by the reality of Easter? Tim Davis
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What does Easter teach us about God? Stephen Kuhrt
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APCM 2019 Stephen Kuhrt
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Seeing the Bigger Picture of the Bible
Genesis 1-11 Nathan Larkin
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Genesis 12-50 Becky Mills
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Exodus 1-18 Stephen Kuhrt
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Exodus 19-40 Katy Loffman
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Leviticus Stephen Kuhrt
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Numbers Ruth Henson
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Deuteronomy Stephen Kuhrt
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Joshua Stephen Kuhrt
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Judges Tim Davis
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Windows on the Gospel
Jesus the Good Shepherd and Light of the World Stephen Kuhrt
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John the Baptist and Evangelist witness to Jesus as Risen Saviour Stephen Kuhrt
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The Pelican and the Lamb Stephen Kuhrt
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Faith, Hope and Love Stephen Kuhrt
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Simeon and Anna Stephen Kuhrt
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I will give you the Crown of Life Stephen Kuhrt
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Jesus with Mary and Martha Becky Mills
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Who was, and is, and is to come Stephen Kuhrt
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Learning from, and with, Peter
Peter's Call Anita Ferrero
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Peter walks on water Katy Loffman
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Peter and the Transfiguration of Jesus Ruth Henson
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Peter's Denial of Jesus Tim Davis
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Peter's Restoration by Jesus Anita Ferrero
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Peter at Pentecost David Loffman
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Peter, the Beggar and the Sanhedrin Becky Mills
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Peter and Ananias and Sapphira David Taylor
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Peter and Cornelius Stephen Kuhrt
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A Christian Perspective
A Christian Perspective on our pets Nathan Larkin
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A Christian Perspective on our Holidays Becky Mills
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A Christian Perspective on Bereavement Katy Loffman
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A Christian Perspective on being a parent Stephen Kuhrt
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Wisdom from God
Wisdom from God from Proverbs Stephen Kuhrt
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Wisdom from God from Ecclesiastes Katy Loffman
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Wisdom from God from Job Stephen Kuhrt
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Wisdom from God from the Song of Songs Becky Mills
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The part played in Jesus’ mission by...
The part played in Jesus' mission by his exorcisms Stephen Kuhrt
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The part played in Jesus' mission by his parables Stephen Kuhrt
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The part played in Jesus' mission by his healings Alex Fry
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The part played in Jesus' mission by His prayer Ruth Henson
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Why I Am A Christian
Why I Am A Christian Frank Dobson
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Why I Am A Christian Katie Kuhrt
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Why I Am A Christian James Kuhrt
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Why I Am A Christian Barbara Griffiths
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Why I Am a Christian Frank Dobson
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Why I Am a Christian Katie Kuhrt
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Why I Am a Christian James Kuhrt
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Why I am a Christian Barbara Griffiths
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A Christian Who Changed My Life
A Christian who changed my life Nathan Larkin
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A Christian who changed my life David Loffman
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A Christian who changed my life David Taylor
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A Christian who changed my life Ruth Henson
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Understanding the Covenant
Understanding the Covenant with Noah (and Creation?) Ruth Henson
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Understanding the Covenant with Abraham Becky Mills
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Understanding the Covenant with Moses David Loffman
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Understanding the Covenant with David Nathan Larkin
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Understanding the Covenant through the Prophets Stephen Kuhrt
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Understanding the Covenant as it awaited fulfilment Stephen Kuhrt
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Understanding the Covenant and Jesus Nathan Larkin
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Understanding the Covenant in the life of the Church Alex Fry
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Understanding the Covenant in the New Creation Stephen Kuhrt
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Romans and the Covenant
A Covenant Letter Stephen Kuhrt
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Why God's Covenant was needed David Taylor
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The Covenant in jeopardy (part 1) Stephen Kuhrt
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The Covenant in jeopardy (part 2) Stephen Kuhrt
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God's Covenant Love Revealed Katy Loffman
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Abraham and the Covenant Stephen Kuhrt
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What the Covenant has brought us Becky Mills
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The Covenant and Adam Tim Davis
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Living out the Covenant Stephen Kuhrt
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The Covenant and the Law Stephen Kuhrt
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The Covenant and the Spirit David Taylor
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Jesus shows God's Covenant Love
Jesus shows God's Covenant Love: Compassionate Tim Davis
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Jesus shows God's Covenant Love: Gracious Stephen Kuhrt
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Jesus shows God's Covenant Love: Slow to anger Katy Loffman
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Jesus shows God's Covenant Love: Abounding in Love and Faithfulness Becky Mills
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Jesus shows God's Covenant Love: Forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin Ruth Henson
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Food (& drink) for thought
Food, drink and blessing others Nathan Larkin
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Food, drink and inequality Tim Davis
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Food, drink and care of our bodies Katy Loffman
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Food, drink and the exploitation of people and the planet Anna Larkin
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Keeping the conversation going
Transformed by God's Love
Transformed by God's Love: The widow of Nain Becky Mills
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Transformed by God's Love: A sinful woman Katy Loffman
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Transformed by God's Love: A dead girl and a sick woman Ruth Henson
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Transformed by God's Love: A crippled woman Janet Miles
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Remembrance Sunday
A fresh take on Remembrance Nathan Larkin
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Looking to the coming of Jesus
Looking to the coming of Jesus: Isaiah Stephen Kuhrt
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Looking to the coming of Jesus: Micah David Loffman
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Looking to the coming of Jesus: Malachi Stephen Kuhrt
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Looking to the coming of Jesus: Daniel Tim Davis
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Where to find God this Christmas
What they said about the coming of Jesus
What they said about the coming of Jesus: Gabriel Alex Fry
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What they said about the coming of Jesus: Elizabeth Katy Loffman
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What they said about the coming of Jesus: Mary Ruth Henson
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Christmas Services 2019
Carols by Candlelight Becky Mills
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Christmas Eve Midnight Service 2019 Katy Loffman
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Children's Carol Service Stephen Kuhrt & Robert Shrimpton & Anna Larkin
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Christmas Day Service Nathan Larkin
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Sunday after Christmas Stephen Kuhrt
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