Sunday Services
Christ Church has two Sunday services each with a very different style seeking to cater for different people’s tastes and needs.
The 9:30 am service is called ‘Sssh Free’, signalling its intention to be as children and young family friendly as possible. Everyone is welcome, from newborn babies to grandparents. You don't have to bring a family with you - come along and join ours. But be warned, this service is noisy! There are action songs, engaging speakers, and a band to help us sing together.
We worship all together for the first 10 to 15 minutes before the children go out to their various groups to enjoy teaching and activities relevant to their ages. See Children's groups for further details.
The smallest members of our congregation, who are not yet old enough to start Tiddlywinks, are nonetheless an integral part of God's family and we want new parents and carers to feel comfortable during services. With this in mind, we have a 'Baby Zone' - which may be found at the front of the church in the south aisle, near the piano.
The talks last around 15 to 20 minutes, often seeking to provide Biblical teaching on contemporary themes and using visual as well as spoken communication.
The service as a whole lasts between 50 and 55 minutes and is followed by refreshments in the church lounge.
Check out the current 9:30 service preaching programme here.
You can also listen to recent 9:30 service sermons here.
11.00 am is a quieter and more formal service making greater use of Anglican liturgy and hymns alongside modern worship songs.
Sermons take a more traditional format but seek to expound and apply biblical teaching in a way that is relevant to our everyday lives.
On the first and third Sundays of the month we celebrate Holy Communion with the other Sundays being Morning Prayer.
A typical service lasts around one hour and fifteen minutes and is followed by refreshments in the church lounge.
The current 11 am service preaching programme is available here.
You can also listen to recent 11 am service sermons here.
six30@ccnm is the name currently given to the cluster of new forms of doing church that we are developing on Sunday evenings at Christ Church.
Evening Communion

This takes place on the first Sunday of the month in the Christ Church lounge. The service lasts just half an hour from 6.30 to 7.00 pm. Anyone is welcome but it is particularly designed for those who are involved in the running of the children's groups at Christ Church or have other reasons why it is difficult for them to come to services of Holy Communion on a Sunday morning.
Sunday School for Grown Ups

This takes place on second and fourth Sundays of the month in the Christ Church lounge. It begins with food from 6.00 pm with its sessions lasting from 6.30-8.00 pm. These are built around courses involving talks and discussion in groups. The idea is to provide an opportunity for those coming to engage with the fruits of biblical and theological scholarship.
Sunday Screen

This part of six30@ccnm takes place on the third Sunday of the month. Sunday Screen again starts with food from 6.00 pm following by watching a biblical or Christian film in the lounge. Where time allows, the films shown at Sunday Screen are followed by discussion in groups.