11am Services

11am Service Sermons

Here you can find all the recording of all the sermons from the 11 o'clock service in our archive, beginning with the most recent, and stretching back to 2008. At the foot of this page are aids to help you jump to specific years. Alternatively, you can follow the other tabs to explore sermons for other services, or search the archive for specific keywords or specific speakers.

The Eleven o'clock service

The meaning of repentance
The two sons who needed to repent Anna Larkin
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John the Baptist preaches repentance Tim Davis
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Manasseh’s repentance Ruth Henson
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A model of repentance Stephen Kuhrt
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Luke and the Lowly
The Good Samaritan Tim Davis
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Mary and Martha Stephen Kuhrt
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The sinful woman who anointed Jesus Katy Loffman
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The widow of Nain Ruth Henson
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Levi and Zacchaeus Tim Davis
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Good News for the poor Stephen Kuhrt
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Simeon and Anna Katy Loffman
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What to look out for this Christmas
How the joy (and sadness) of Christmas points us to Jesus Stephen Kuhrt
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What John wants us to look out for this Christmas David Taylor
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What Matthew wants us to look out for this Christmas Katy Loffman
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What Isaiah wants us to look out for this Christmas Stephen Kuhrt
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Heresies Ancient and Modern?
Gnosticism Stephen Kuhrt
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Marcionism Tim Davis
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The Prosperity Gospel Katy Loffman
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The Drama of Mark’s Gospel
Jesus and prophets Stephen Kuhrt
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Jesus and uncleanness Ros Moody
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Jesus’ power over evil Tim Davis
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Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God Stephen Kuhrt
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Jesus and his followers Ruth Henson
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Jesus and the religious leaders Stephen Kuhrt
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Jesus and the conflict with evil Katy Loffman
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Jesus and the arrival of the Kingdom of God Tim Davis
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Why I Am A Christian
Why I Am A Christian Su Ong
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Integrating Our Faith
The Place of Sport in God's World Ruth Henson
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The Place of Grandparents in God's World Gordon Kuhrt
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The Place of Animals in God's World Katy Loffman
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