Film Clubs at CCNM

Try One of Our Film Clubs

We believe film is a fantastic way to gather people together to explore the full range of human experience and not least to have a really great time! Why not join us at Christ Church Cinema Club, Classic Film Club, Sunday Screen or our Family Cinema Club - or better yet, come to all four!

Christ Church Cinema Club Family Cinema Club
Classic Film Club Sunday Screen

Cinema Club ​meets once a month on Friday evenings from 7.45pm in the lounge, and is led by Nathan Larkin.  A thought provoking film is shown, accompanied by drinks and popcorn, and is then followed by discussion.

Because of licensing reasons, we're unable to advertise upcoming film titles on our website. If you'd like to receive updates about what's showing at our film clubs, please subscribe to our Cinema Club mailing list.

Next screening:
Friday 4 April

Classic Film Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 2.00 pm to watch an older film together. By 'classic', we mean something that is 'true yesterday, true today and will be true tomorrow', and which provides the opportunity for thoughtfulness as well as fun and nostalgia.

Tea, coffee and biscuits are served beforehand and a selection of lollies and ice creams brought by the Vicar to your seat halfway through. 

Next screening:
Wednesday 9 April

Family Cinema Club is an opportunity for grown ups and their little ones to enjoy fabulous family films together, meeting on the fourth Saturday of each month at 2pm. Everyone is welcome.

Drinks and snacks are provided, and there will be a colouring activity for little ones who find it hard to stay focused all the way through a feature length film. Doors open at 2pm for a 2.15pm start.

Next screening:
Sunday 27 April

Sunday Screen meets once a month on Sunday evening (usually the third Sunday of the month) to take advantage of some of the terrific films about the Bible as well as on the lives of Christians or Christian topics. ‘Sunday Screen’ aims to build greater community at Christ Church and learn from the insights provoked by these films. 

Like 'Sunday School for Grown Ups', 'Sunday Screen' begins with food from 6.00 pm with the showing from 6.30 pm.

Next screening:
Sunday 20 April

For licensing reasons, we're unable to advertise upcoming film titles on our website. If you'd like to receive updates about what's showing at our film clubs, please subscribe to our Cinema Club mailing list below.

Sign-up to our Cinema Club mailing list