
What do we most want for our children? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
What do we have to learn from children? | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
How can I make a difference to the lives of children and young people? | Luke Wickings | Audio file
How can/should I relate to the 9.30 service? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
What do we most want for our children? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The very best thing we could do for our teenagers | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
The five worst messages our young people get and how to counter them | Tim Davis | Audio file
How can/should I relate to the 9.30 service? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
What do we most want for our children? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
How should I pray with my child? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
How should I handle tough times with my child? | Pete Everett | Audio file
How should I read the Bible with my child? | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
How can I make sure my child feels valued for who they are? | Izzy Rickards | Audio file
How should I talk about sex with my child? | Susannah Sloman | Audio file
How should I help my child develop a healthy attitude towards school and achievement? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
How should I help my child develop a healthy attitude towards relationships? | Katy Loffman | Audio file
The Bible's Perspective on Old Age | Becky Mills | Audio file
What do we have to learn from older people? | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
How can I make a difference to the lives of older people? | Katy Loffman | Audio file
How can/should I relate to the 11.00 service? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Learning from the Macedonians - and Jesus | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
The way giving is meant to work | Anita Ferrero | Audio file
The role of others in helping us give | Ruth Henson | Audio file
Being Cheerful Givers | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
Relating to the work with teenagers | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
Relating to the 11 o'clock service | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Relating to Our Overseas Missionaries | Paul Thaxter | Audio file
Relating to the six30 at CCNM service | Susannah Sloman | Audio file
Saul hunts for David | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Saul spared twice and a girl called Abigail | Luke Wickings | Audio file
Saul's final decline and death | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Wisdom and Unity | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The Church and Judgement | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Marriage | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Food Issues | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Body Issues | Tim Davis | Audio file
The Resurrection | Sally Butler | Audio file
So what has 1 Corinthians to say to six30 @ CCNM? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Mission Overseas | Paul Thaxter | Audio file
Different Dimensions of Mission | Guido Braschi & Linda Braschi | Audio file
Mission Overseas | Paul Thaxter | Audio file
Different Dimensions of Mission | Phil Rugg | Audio file
Different Dimensions of Mission (9.30) | Simon Eastwood | Audio file
Easter Service | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Why the Resurrection matters | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Fear and Trembling - The Resurrection in Mark | Pete Everett | Audio file
Earthquakes and Angels - The Resurrection in Matthew | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Burning Hearts and Broken Bread - The Resurrection in Luke | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Fear and Trembling - the Resurrection in Mark | Anita Ferrero | Audio file
Earthquakes and Angels - The Resurrection in Matthew | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Burning Hearts and Broken Bread - The Resurrection in Luke | Luke Wickings | Audio file
New Day, New Tasks - the Resurrection in John | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
APCM 2013 | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The Word Becomes Flesh | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
John the Baptist and Jesus | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Jesus Calls the First Disciples | Becky Mills | Audio file
Jesus Changes Water Into Wine | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Jesus Clears the Temple | Izzy Rickards | Audio file
Jesus and Nicodemus | Andy Black | Audio file
Jesus and the Samaritan woman | Susannah Sloman | Audio file
Jesus Heals an Official's Son | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The Healing at the Pool | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Jesus Feeding 5000 and the Walks on Water | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Jesus the Bread of Life | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The woman caught in the act of adultery | Becky Mills | Audio file
The Truth Shall Set You Free | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The Healing of the Man Born Blind | Pete Everett | Audio file
The Good Shepherd | Tom Collins | Audio file
The Raising of Lazarus | Andy Black | Audio file
Jesus Welcomed as King | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Love | Ruth Henson | Audio file
Joy | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Peace | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Patience | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
Kindness | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Goodness | Sally Butler | Audio file
Faithfulness | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Gentleness | Tim Davis | Audio file
Self Control | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Wisdom and Unity | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The Church and Judgement | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Marriage | Luke Wickings | Audio file
Food Issues | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Order in Worship | Anita Ferrero | Audio file
Body Issues | Luke Wickings | Audio file
The Resurrection | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
How 1 Corinthians Ends | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The Woman at the Well | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
The Woman at the House of Simon the Pharisee | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The Syro-Phoenician woman | Luke Wickings | Audio file
The Lady is not for Stoning | Becky Mills | Audio file
School Celebration Sunday | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The True Vine | Anita Ferrero | Audio file
Obeying and Loving | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
If the World Hates You? | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
Oxygen | John Trend | Audio file
Why I am a Christian | Tim Davis | Audio file
Why I am a Christian | Mike Ferguson | Audio file
Why I am a Christian | David Loffman | Audio file
Why I am a Christian | Sarah Parker | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | Tim Davis | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | Mike Ferguson | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | David Loffman | Audio file
Why I Am A Christian | Sarah Parker | Audio file
How being a Christian impacts upon running my business | Susannah Sloman | Audio file
How being a Christian impacts upon my work as a publisher | Katy Loffman | Audio file
How being a Christian impacts upon my work as a health visitor | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
How being a Christian impacts upon being a teacher | Ruth Henson | Audio file
The value of Christian small groups for our children and young people | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
The value of Christian small groups praying together | Luke Wickings | Audio file
The value of Christian small groups reading and discussing the Bible together | Katy Loffman | Audio file
The value of Christian small groups supporting one another | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The value of Christian small groups having fun and community together | Anita Ferrero | Audio file
The value of Christian small groups for our children and young people | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The value of Christian small groups praying together | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The value of Christian small groups reading and discussing the Bible together | Katy Loffman | Audio file
The value of Christian small groups supporting one another | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
The value of Christian small groups having fun and community together | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The value of Christian small groups for our children and young people (six30 - SB) | Sally Butler | Audio file
The value of Christian small groups praying together (six | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
The value of Christian small groups reading and discussing the Bible together (six | Ruth Henson | Audio file
The value of Christian small groups having fun and community together (six30 | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Harvest Service - Tearfund | Jamie Fyleman | Audio file
Pressure on our have sex | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
Pressure on our look perfect | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Pressure on our be popular | Tim Davis | Audio file
Pressure on our perform | Katie Kuhrt | Audio file
Daniel tested in Babylon | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream | Luke Wickings | Audio file
The Image of Gold and the Fiery Furnace | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Nebuchadnezzar's Second Dream | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
The writing on the wall | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Daniel in the Lion's Den | Luke Wickings | Audio file
Jonah 1 | Claire Jaggers | Audio file
Jonah 2 | Ruth Henson | Audio file
Jonah 3 and 4 | Becky Whiting | Audio file
Christmas Characters: Elizabeth and Zechariah | Sally Butler | Audio file
Christmas Characters: Augustus and Herod | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Why was Jesus born in Israel? | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Why was Jesus born into poverty and danger? | Susannah Sloman | Audio file
Why was Jesus born of a virgin? | Pete Everett | Audio file
Looking to the Coming of Jesus: Genesis | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Looking to the Coming of Jesus: Kings | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Looking to the Coming of Jesus: Isaiah | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Looking to the Coming of Jesus: The Psalms | Luke Wickings | Audio file
Christmas Characters: Mary | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Christmas Characters: Joseph | Tim Davis | Audio file
Christmas Characters: Gabriel | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Children's Carol Service | Stephen Kuhrt & Susannah Sloman | Audio file
What should stay with me after Christmas? | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Christmas Day | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
What should stay with me after Christmas? | Becky Mills | Audio file
What should stay with me after Christmas? | Anita Ferrero | Audio file