Past Preaching Programme

Preaching Programme

Here are the previous sermon series that we have run at Christ Church. You can follow the links to see details of the sermons from each series.


Outsiders come to God

One of the great themes of the New Testament is the inclusion of those who felt that they were excluded within the People of God. This begins during Jesus' ministry with figures like the Canaanite woman and continues after Jesus' ascension with the entry of the Samaritans and Gentiles into the church. The nature of these episodes has a great deal that can guide and inform our approach to mission and help us to become a church that is more effective at sharing God's love with those presently outside his people. 


Outsiders come to God

One of the great themes of the New Testament is the inclusion of those who felt that they were excluded from being part of the 'People of God'. This begins during Jesus' ministry with figures like the Canaanite woman, and continues after Jesus' ascension with the arrival of the Samaritans and Gentiles into the church. Exploring these events and encounters can guide and inform our approach to mission, and help us to become a church that is more effective at sharing God's love with those who currently feel as though they are on the 'outside'. 


As we continue through Lent, we will look at some of the parables recorded in Luke's Gospel  that Jesus told as he approached Jerusalem. Most of these centre upon the response that God's people made to his presence coming amongst them in Jesus. Lent is a good time for reflecting on the messages these parables contain and making sure that our lives are ready for Jesus and his coming. 


The Parables in Luke

Over the weeks leading up to Easter, we will take a look at some of the parables recorded in Luke's Gospel that Jesus told as he approached Jerusalem. Most of these centre upon the response that God's people made to his presence coming amongst them in Jesus. Lent is a good time for us to reflect on the messages contained in these parables, and to make sure that our lives are ready for Jesus and his coming. 


The Resurrection

During the period in which we continue to celebrate Easter, we will look at the accounts of the resurrection of Jesus contained in the gospels. Each of these accounts contain different emphases. All of them, however, are shaped by a vivid portrayal of the way that the surprise and confusion that occurred when the tomb was found to be empty soon gave way to the realisation that the world was now a very different place because Jesus had risen from the dead.


The Resurrection

During the period in which we continue to celebrate Easter, we will look at the accounts of the resurrection of Jesus contained in the gospels. Each of these accounts contain different emphases. All of them, however, are shaped by a vivid portrayal of the way that the surprise and confusion that occurred when the tomb was found to be empty soon gave way to the realisation that the world was now a very different place because Jesus had risen from the dead.

The Early Church

The earliest days of the Christian church have a great deal to teach us: not only about the significance of the events of Jesus' resurrection, his ascension into heaven and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, but also about the way in which his Spirit then worked through the fellowship, power, witness and prayer of the early church. During this series we will look for practical ways in which all of this can guide Christ Church as we move forward.

The Early Church

The earliest days of the Christian church have a great deal to teach us: not only about the significance of the events of Jesus' resurrection, his ascension into heaven and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, but also about the way in which his Spirit then worked through the fellowship, power, witness and prayer of the early church. During this series we will look for practical ways in which all of this can guide Christ Church as we move forward.

Why I am a Christian

Over the last fifteen years or so, we have used the month of August as an opportunity to hear different members of Christ Church talk about ‘Why I am a Christian’. In these talks we hear some of the story of their lives and the key factors that have led them to become and continue as Christians. They have turned out to be some of the most popular and helpful talks that we have had during the year. 

Why I am a Christian

Over the last fifteen years or so, we have used the month of August as an opportunity to hear different members of Christ Church talk about ‘Why I am a Christian’. In it we hear some of the story of their lives and the key factors that have led them to become and continue as Christians. These have turned out to be some of the most popular and helpful talks that we have had during the year. 

The Book of Psalms

The Psalms are a remarkable collection of very different ancient songs expressing to God the full range of emotions and experiences that accompany seeking to live for him in the world. Within them we see joy and despair, gratitude towards God and deep perplexity over some of the things that he has allowed to happen. All of us have time when we do not know what to pray and the Psalms are there to help us express our response to God in every situation that we find ourselves in. 

The Book of Psalms

The Psalms are a remarkable collection of very different ancient songs expressing to God the full range of emotions and experiences that accompany seeking to live for him in the world. Within them we see joy and despair, gratitude towards God and deep perplexity over some of the things that he has allowed to happen. All of us have time when we do not know what to pray and the Psalms are there to help us express our response to God in every situation that we find ourselves in. 

John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus

During Advent, our talks will look at the figure John the Baptist and how he prepared the way for Jesus. Bridging the Old Testament and the New Testament, John the Baptist revealed important truths about the coming Messiah that we can benefit from today, as we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus into the world at Christmas time.

John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus

During Advent, our talks will look at the figure John the Baptist and how he prepared the way for Jesus. Bridging the Old Testament and the New Testament, John the Baptist revealed important truths about the coming Messiah that we can benefit from today, as we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus into the world at Christmas time.

Why are they in the Christmas Story?

Apparent overfamiliarity with the Christmas story can be a major problem, particularly as we grow older. Part of the answer is to ask fresh questions about them. In our Christmas services this year, we will take different aspects of the Christmas story, and ask why they are included, and what makes them important within its overall message.

Why are they in the Christmas Story?

Apparent overfamiliarity with the Christmas story can be a major problem, particularly as we grow older. Part of the answer is to ask fresh questions about them. In our Christmas services this year, we will take different aspects of the Christmas story, and ask why they are included, and what makes them important within its overall message.