One of the most consistent themes within the New Testament is the calling of Jesus’ followers to suffer. The roots of this are found in the figure of the Suffering Servant in Isaiah, which finds its fulfilment not only in the calling of Jesus but the calling of the church as well. Whilst the suffering and death of Jesus is unique in achieving the defeat of evil, the New Testament is also clear that the way that the victory of Jesus goes on being implemented is through the faithful suffering of his followers.
At 11.00 and six30 we will look at five of the main books within the New Testament which unpack this theme of the suffering of God’s people: Mark’s Gospel, The Acts of the Apostles, 2 Corinthians, 1 Peter and Revelation. Exploring this theme from a number of different angles will hopefully help us in the difficult task of bringing our suffering before God so that his glory can be revealed through it.