Climate change caused by our carbon emissions is threatening our planet like never before. It affects us all, particularly the poorest people in the world. As Christians, we have a God-given responsibility to care for God’s creation. This Carbon Fast has been put together by the Christ Church Eco Action Group, to help us respond to the climate emergency. Each week focuses on a particular theme which will be introduced during the talk on Sunday (available here or on our YouTube Channel), followed up by a daily challenge to help us think about the impact of our lifestyles on the planet, and consider more sustainable swaps that we might be able to make in our day-to-day lives.
There is also a special Kids Edition of the Carbon Fast, which includes a selection of eco challenges and activities that can be ticked off when completed!
It should be great fun as well as thought-provoking, and we hope that you’ll join in - you can even follow along with our online community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, using #ccnmLent2021.
Carbon Fast Calendar (PDF format)
Carbon Fast Calendar (JPEG format)
Week 1 - Preparation
Becky Mills kicks off our Carbon Fast for Creation with a talk entitled, 'What can we do about our CO2?'
Week 2 - Waste Week
Anna Larkin gives a talk entitled, 'A Christian Response to Rubbish and Waste'
Week 3 - Food Week
Tim Davis gives a talk entitled, 'Going Vegan - A Big Missed Steak?'
Week 4 - Energy Week
Becky Mills gives a talk entitled, 'Pulling the Plug on Climate Change'.
Week 5 - Water Week
Katy Loffman gives a talk entitled, 'Every Drop Counts - Reduce Your Use'.
Week 6 - Nature Week
Nathan Larkin gives a talk entitled, 'Creation: In Gardens of Despair and Hope'.