Preaching Programme

Preaching Programme

The Meaning of Repentance
The Meaning of Repentance - the sillouette of an apparently young man bows his head in an attitude of prayer with a lake or sea in the background against the setting sun

Lent is traditionally a time of focusing on repentance - the act of 'turning around' towards God. During this series, we’ll look at what we can learn from examples of repentance as a theme that runs throughout the Bible, and explore how we can make it a greater reality in our lives.

Date Sort descending Title Speaker
A model of repentance Stephen Kuhrt
Manasseh’s repentance Ruth Henson
John the Baptist preaches repentance Tim Davis
The two sons who needed to repent Anna Larkin
Confronting the need to repent Katy Loffman
The challenge of repentance Stephen Kuhrt