Building Christ Church: 1921 to 1935
Christ Church in the 1920s
A photograph of Christ Church from Coombe Road survives from this time.

Changes inside the Christ Church building
A new font funded by the children of Christ Church was dedicated by the returning Canon Challacombe in October 1922, and was used until its replacement in 1965.

In 1926, the Oak Panelling around the Communion Table was added to the chancel in memory of Jessie Challacombe, the wife of Christ Church’s second Vicar, who had died a year earlier. At the same time, the Reredos was given in memory of both Dr George Cowen (Churchwarden of Christ Church 1897-1903), who had died in May 1923, and his daughter Eileen.
These can be seen in the photo below (actually taken in 1936) with the Communion Table in the Chancel decorated for Harvest.

A Brass Eagle Lectern was also given in memory of Dr Cowen and continued being used until its removal during the reordering of the church in 2006-7.

A new organ was established at the head of the south aisle in July 1932, also remaining until 2006-7.

The whole church was redecorated in 1932 and this is probably when the texts previously displayed above the arches at Christ Church were painted over.
Parish Halls
It was during this time that the Parish Halls were built on the other side of Cambridge Avenue from Christ Church. The foundation stone was laid on 23rd July 1927 by the local MP, Frederick G. Penny (with a Bible placed in a cavity underneath it), and the Halls consecrated by the Bishop of Southwark on January 11th 1928.

The photo below dates from sometime before 1936 as we can see that the Verger’s house is yet to be built.

The Parish Halls were immediately used for King’s Own and for church social events and later the Young People’s Church (started in 1931) and other groups.
The Halls were badly damaged in a fire in the early hours of New Year’s Day 1996, requiring major refurbishment ahead of their reopening in 1996 (see Building Christ Church: 1991 to 2006). They continued to be extensively used until 2017 when they were replaced by the new hall adjoined to Christ Church (see Building Christ Church: 2007 to present). The building was sold to a nursery in 2019.
Building CCNM 1893‑1920 | Building CCNM 1935‑44 |