Celebrate Easter with us
Palm Sunday
Join us at 9:30 on Palm Sunday (24th March) for our annual Easter Costume and Praise service! People of all ages are invited to join us as we all take part in helping to bring to life the events leading up to Easter. Don't forget to come dressed as a character from the Easter Story!

Good Friday
On Good Friday (29th March), we'll be holding a short all age service from 9:30 to 10:10 am to reflect upon the death of Jesus and what this means for our lives.

Then in the afternoon, there is a service at St John's on Kingston Roadbetween 2.00 and 3.00 pm called 'One Hour at the Cross'. This is aimed more at adults, with reflection and prayer on four hymns and what they reveal about the significance of the death of Jesus.
Easter Day

On Easter Day we will celebrate together with a United Service at 10am. This will be followed by an Easter Egg Hunt in the garden.
Then at 6:30pm there will be a short service of Holy Communion.