Sermon Downloads

11am Service Sermons

Getting all fruity...
Love and Joy Stephen Kuhrt
Audio file
Peace and Patience Anita Ferrero
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Kindness, Goodness and Faithfulness Ruth Henson
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Gentleness and Self Control Helen Hancock
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Getting more to grips with Mission
One God, One World, One Mission Dennis Smith
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How can I be involved in Christian Mission in New Malden? Helen Hancock
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How can I Witness to my non-Christian Friends and Family? Stephen Kuhrt
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How can I be more involved in Mission in other places? Katie Kuhrt
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Motto Verse for 2010
The Motto Verse for 2010 Stephen Kuhrt
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Rethinking Repentance
What Does Repentance Mean? Stephen Kuhrt
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Repentance and Relationships Stephen Kuhrt
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Repentance and Money Helen Hancock
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Repentance and Palm Sunday Peter Coombs
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Easter Services 2010
Easter: Rethinking Past, Present and Future Stephen Kuhrt
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What Easter Changes...
My Personal Destiny Helen Hancock
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My Perspective on Politics Stephen Kuhrt
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God's Good Creation
God's Good Creation: Days 1 and 2 - Light and the Sky Carolyn Lucas
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God's Good Creation: Day 3 - Land Anita Ferrero
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God's Good Creation: Using our Gifts and Talents Helen Hancock
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God's Good Creation: Day 4 - Sun, Moon and Stars Andy Angel
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God's Good Creation: Day 5 - Creatures in the Sea and Sky Katie Kuhrt
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God's Good Creation: Day 6 - Creatures on the Land and Human Beings Stephen Kuhrt
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So what is so important about God (including Jesus) as Creator? Stephen Kuhrt
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God's Good Creation: Day 7 - God Rests Ruth Henson
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What is so God-given about…?
What is so God-Given about Work? Stephen Kuhrt
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Kingdom Questions
What is the Kingdom of God? Stephen Kuhrt
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Why did Jesus use Parables to Teach about the Kingdom of God? Helen Hancock
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How were Healings, Exorcisms and Meals connected to the Kingdom of God? Anita Ferrero
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Why doesn't St Paul talk much about the Kingdom of God? Stephen Kuhrt
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Holiday Club Service
Holiday Club Service Stephen Kuhrt
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Kingdom Parables
The Parable of the Rich Fool Carolyn Lucas
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The Parable of the Great Banquet Roger Perrin
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The Parables of the Lost Sheep, Coin and Son Helen Hancock
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The Parable of the Shrewd Manager Anita Ferrero
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Pictures of the Church
The People of God Carolyn Lucas
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The Body of Christ Helen Hancock
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The Family of God Carolyn Lucas
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A Holy Temple Katy Loffman
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United Harvest Service
Harvest Festival Stephen Kuhrt
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Tough questions for Christians
What should Christians think about assisted suicide? Carolyn Lucas
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What should Christians think about other faiths? Carolyn Lucas
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Is it right for women to hold authority in the Church? Helen Hancock
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How should Christians respond to homosexuality? Stephen Kuhrt
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Facing up to Fear
Be Strong and Courageous Bernie Dodd
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What does Remembrance teach us about fear? Carolyn Lucas
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Zechariah and fear Anita Ferrero
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Mary and fear Carolyn Lucas
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Joseph and fear Ruth Henson
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Herod and fear Katy Loffman
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Mission Sunday
Mission Sunday Jeremy Nash
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Christmas Services 2010
Christmas Day Helen Hancock
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Boxing Day Stephen Kuhrt
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