Church Continues

As we entered the first lockdown and the closing of our buildings, in common with other churches we had to switch to on-line services.  This covers a series of talks during this period as we addressed the uncertainties caused by the pandemic.    

Date Title Speaker
Responding to fear Stephen Kuhrt
When everything seems to have changed Stephen Kuhrt
Preparing for Life after Quarantine Nathan Larkin
Jesus and Isolation Stephen Kuhrt
Encountering Jesus when it is still dark Stephen Kuhrt
Finding peace in a time of anxiety Katy Loffman
You are not alone Tim Davis
God's comfort in our time of trouble Becky Mills
A Vision of Restoration Stephen Kuhrt
How to live an Easter world when it still feels like Lent Nathan Larkin
The Ascension and Coronavirus Stephen Kuhrt
Truth in a time of uncertainty Katy Loffman
Pentecost Tim Davis
The relevance of the Trinity Stephen Kuhrt
Global Pandemic - A Wake-up Call Becky Mills
Race - Listening and Changing Katy Loffman
What White Christians need to hear at this time Ellie Haynes
Biblical Wisdom for a Modern World Nathan Larkin