Romans and the Covenant

Romans is commonly regarded as Paul’s greatest letter. What is recognised less often is its nature as an exposition of the covenant. During this series we will work through Romans seeking to follow Paul’s careful explanation of how the covenant appeared to be in jeopardy because of Israel’s sin, only to find its surprising solution in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Romans is somewhat complex, and understanding its contents will involve grappling with technical terms such as ‘righteousness’ and ‘justification’, as well as the issues involved as Gentiles became members of God’s people alongside Jewish Christians. But the aim is to make full sense of the practical teaching that Paul gives at the end of the letter about the sort of church that we should aspire to become in the light of the covenant love of the God who has rescued us in Jesus Christ.

Date Sort descending Title Speaker
A Covenant Letter Stephen Kuhrt
Why God's Covenant was needed David Taylor
The Covenant in jeopardy (part 1) Stephen Kuhrt
The Covenant in jeopardy (part 2) Stephen Kuhrt
God's Covenant Love Revealed Katy Loffman
Abraham and the Covenant Stephen Kuhrt
What the Covenant has brought us Becky Mills
The Covenant and Adam Tim Davis
Living out the Covenant Stephen Kuhrt
The Covenant and the Law Stephen Kuhrt
The Covenant and the Spirit David Taylor
The Mystery of the Covenant (part 1) Stephen Kuhrt
The Mystery of the Covenant (part 2) Stephen Kuhrt
The Mystery of the Covenant (part 3) Stephen Kuhrt
Covenant Living Becky Mills
The Covenant and the Government Katy Loffman
The Covenant and the Church Nathan Larkin
A Covenant Ministry Stephen Kuhrt
A Covenant People Stephen Kuhrt