How should Christians view…

It is often said that Christians should ‘in the world but not of the world’. However, the task of remaining engaged with the world’s issues, but also distinct from its values and attitudes, is often very difficult. During these series, we will look at a number of issues that involve the wider world but seeking to find a distinctively Christian take on them. Some of these issues are more obviously historical such as how as Christians we should regard the First World War or Bonfire Night. Others such as Brexit, the education of our children and how we should grow older are more obviously contemporary. But in all of these examples, the Bible has much to say on how a Christian attitude should be formed and then lived out in response to them.

Date Title Speaker
How should Christians view Brexit? Katy Loffman
How should Christians view the First World War? Stephen Kuhrt
How should Christians view growing older? David Taylor