Getting Giving

One of the major tasks before us as a church in 2016 is to increase our giving. This includes the giving of our lives in service to God using the gifts and talents that he has given us, both within our community at Christ Church and beyond it. But it also includes our financial giving. This is reflected in our Motto Verse for 2016 from 1 Corinthians 16.2:

‘On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will need to be made’

At present we have a large amount of people regularly attending Christ Church who do not yet give a realistic amount of their money to the church on a regular basis. This is something that needs to change if Christ Church is going to fulfil God’s desires for our mission and ministry. During February, the talks across all three of our services will focus upon giving and encourage the growth of this important part of our discipleship and response to God’s grace.

Date Sort descending Title Speaker
God the Giver Carolyn Lucas
Giving our service Stephen Kuhrt
Why does the church need my money? Katy Loffman
Giving our money Katy Loffman